Gd afrernoon..
Its sunday noon.. What r u having for lunch? Eat out, having take out, going to receptions or cooking?
For me, it's cooking time.. Today's menu for a bachelorrete like me, of course jz sardin n some veges, kacang buncis n carrot fried.. Eating alone.. Thats gonna b my 1 day meal.. Huhu..
Everyday's cook days.. Yesterday was d linguini carbonara, my own recipe.. Hoho.. Nice n delished... Haha.. Well, i jz got hooked up with cooking now.. I jz love cooking.. Its jz dat i was too lazy n not a good 1.. But when i met my bff a.k.a d pots n utensil, i was like a cooking master.. Haha.. I wish..
Its been quite sometimes since last i made pancake.. Suddenly felt like eating chocolate chip pancake.. Surely will gonna made some.. But some other times perhaps.. Cz rite now, i only hv a rice cooker to cook all..
Seriously i cant wait to move n hv my own place, my own fridge n everything.. I wanna cook n cook n cook... Arghh.. I'm a cooking addict.. Haha..
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Linguini carbonara my own version |
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Spaghetti bolognaise |
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nasik lauk sardin n tomato salad |
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bolognaise mac. |
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carbonara spaghetti |
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Mac & Cheese |
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Rocky Lamb - bege bakar KL @ pak maidin |
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bege bakar equine @ rizwath |
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bege bakar KL @ pak maidin |
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bege bakar KL @ pak maidin |
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Nan Cheese @ RSMY KL |
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Durian crepe |
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Durian crepe |
Also, some of my new addiction of food or junks.. Hoho..
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Yogurt... yummy |
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Quaker Oat Cookies.. soo nice |
Well, next week is gtb my last week working in my current company.. Mr. STTK is THE best employer i've ever met.. That's rite.. He's D Best boss i've ever worked for.. Sorry to say but he's not d typical ca ya nun alip person.. He's been working n gaining xperience from all over d world.. Even d wife is not Malaysian.. So d way of thinking is different... I like it..
Anyway, I just wanted to thank u boss for all d opportunity that u've given me from the beginning.. I won't forget u.. N i'll pray for ur health.. Hope u would recover soon.. Cz u're a good person.. Love u boss... Hehe..
Anyway, starting January i'll b working in LKW.. So I guess my new journey will begin.. Hope it's gonna be a great 1.. Fingers' cross n pray hard..
Well, Alhamdulillah n praise to Allah, since at least I have a job waiting.. Rather than, working a partime job only.. Just so u know, the interview was on July.. As mom said, this job is OK, but it might come a bit late.. I guess, she's right.. It is late.. But d job offer came when I needed it d most..
Well, say no more.. Allah knows best.. Alhamdulillah..
Lately, I'm trying to find a house for rental.. I wanted to move.. I found a great single storey terrace house in Dengkil, Bukit Changgang area.. New place.. The rental also very affordable, but got some problem with Papi..
He don't prefer that I move far from SK.. Since, he won't b able to drive me to work, also we won't b able to meet frequently anymore..
Nearby, there were only some flats to be rented.. Some more, it's on upper level.. For ground floor, surely d price is higher... Huhu...
But, 1 thing for sure, I cannot do much surveys, since the money is not confirm yet... How to book, if no money to make d deposit.. Huhu..
Hope I could get the money by this week, so that I could start calling all d house renter to go n take a look at their property...
Anyway, this wiken, me, Papi n few more frens are going for holidays in Cameron Highland.. This could be my 3rd visit there...
Well, I'm so excited bout this trip.. Already start packing also.. We're going for 3d 2n trip.. It's gtb 5 of us.. Me, Papi, Myra, Ika n Pian.. Others, afraid to join along.. Haha... Who cares.. Mimi, cannot come.. Pity her..
On our way back, we planned to go to Seri Iskandar for a pittstop as they wanted to visit their long lost college for some jejak kasihan... Haha..
About my anak4, I went there couple of weeks ago with Papi..
Beburn's eye ok already.. Perhaps not fully recover, but at least around 90% ok.. But he's still very3 thin... Huhu... Now, his beard n fur around d neck was bald.. Either becoz of fungus, or fight, I'm not sure..
Cinda, very3 thin.. But her condition is much better than last time I visit..
Lucky, still d same.. Thin, but still ok.. But at least he was not like b4, when given foods, as if never been fed for a month... Well, he took care of himself quite well.. No injuries, no fungus n nothing.. Alhamdulillah.. N I'm thankful dat I neuter him earlier.. Or else, he might end up injured here n there for fighting over some females..
Cindy, she's gaining some weight already.. Not like she used to.. But at least not like last time.. Perhaps, it's becoz, Kak Yah likes her so much n they fed her also I supposed..
They even planned to take Cindy.. Oh NO!! She's my lizard's n cockroaches queen.. Who's gonna capture those creature n kill them? N she's my budak gedik.. Sorry Kak Yah.. I'm not gonna gv away any of my anakss..
Well, during my visit, I brought over 2 bags of 1.5kg of Proformance kibbles, 3 big cans together with 10 small cans of Fussie cat wet food..
I called up for my babies... Everybody came.. Including Didi, Kolat, Kolat's babies except Cindy.. I open 1 big can, put inside a bowl, gv to Lucky n Didi... 1 small can 1 open for Cinda n I hand feed her.. She was sooo hungry.. Even bit my hand..
Papi help me to open d big can n fed d other cats.. Didi, Kolat n her kittens share d food..
Then, I open 1 more, half I hand fed Beburn, half Cinda.. Then, open 1 more.. Even Lucky wanted to be hand fed.. Ok my ank3, mami will do so..
I fed 3 of them till all of them surrender of eating too much already.. Until Cinda was like licking n not biting anymore.. N she looks like she was tired n no mood of eating anymore.. Haha... Then, Cinda jz sit around d food with a bulgy stomach..
Beburn also, he just left with some bulge on his skinny stomach.. He even finish up the balance of food, from the bowl which d other cats had left.. Haha.. Beburn.. Beburn..
After dat, I clean up d bowl n filled it with some kibbles.. Puteh's son, already an adult cat, b4 was kinda handsome cat, but skinny n always fighting.. This time, he was blind.. Oh my goodness.. I pity him.. He was so afraid of me.. Even hissing when I looked at him... But he was so skinny n hungry.. So, I pushed d kibbles bowl at him n let him eat it.. Almost half was finish.. So, pity.. At least he had his meal, n he's full n he must b happy to getta eat... I hope he'll b ok..
But, that moment when I look at all of them, n they were all jz lying around me with bulgy stomach, taking some naps, really put a big smile on my face.. Also, I'm sooo satisfied..
To see them eat,
to even hand feed them like I used to do,
to sits with them n pet them like we were b4,
to look into their eyes, b4 they take a nap after a satisfying meal,
to call up their names n they came towards me with a smile n purring,
only Allah knows how I miss that n how I wish I could do that everyday...
But that time Cindy was not around.. I was worried.. I called her names over n over again.. Like mother looking for her child.. I dont care.. She's my baby also..
Tears began to pour down.. I looked at the houses at d back, no sign of her.. I even asked Ijah to help me look for her, no where to be found..
Ijah said, last she saw Cindy was d day b4, when she fed them... That morning, Cindy was not around.. I was so worried..
Ijah said that last, CIndy was near d porch.. Nearby d porch was birds cage.. The birds owner puts poison at d cage so that no cats would eat their bird.. Even had cats b4 that's died of the poison...
I looked for her nearby d birds cage, no sign.. Ijah helped to look for Cindy also..
Suddenly, Ijah called me said that Cindy was at d other house, jz sitting beside d stairs..
I ran towards the house while calling Cindy's name.. Then I saw Cindy running towards me while I called her up.. She even meowing while running at me.. As if she said "mummy, i miss u" n as if she smiled when she saw me..
I picked her up, kissed her all over, hugged her n told her that I missed her n mumbling where she has been... As b4, she's not d kind of girl that like to be carried for a long time.. So, I put her down..
She followed me home.. I open 2 cans of wet food n I hand fed her.. She ate a lot..
Then, every1 followed me everywhere.. Especially Didi, Lucky n Cinda.. They sat around me, asked me to pet them.. Honestly I AM HAPPY..
My anak4 plzz pray that things would change soon n we'll b together again till death do us apart..
Love u.. xoxo