Wah, dh lbh sebulan x hapdet blog... Bersawang2 dh ni... Adeh!! Penyapu sawang x cukup tinggi laa plak... Adoiyaiii!!! ^_^
Anyway, within a month, so many things did happen in my life... I'm so damn busy n I'm so0o0o0o exhausted.... BUT, I'm soo00oooo happy also...
My bday was quite a memory... Quite a number of frens did join my bday celebs... We celebrate at IOI Mall...
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Bday girl...Happy face |
I'm happy with my fren's around... They make my day... No more long face, no stress, no sad n no more "old" memories... Hehehe...
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Kt McD, br smp... |
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Kite boling dlu... |
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Sesi potong kek.. |
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Mari bergambar smbl potong kek yooo!! |
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Nk blk dh ni... |
Anyway, thumbs up utk team BPP... Korg mmg sporting n gempak n very supportive n nice n lovely n 'cute' n generous n blaa n blaa blaa blaa... Love u guys....
Skrg ni aku dh berjaya naik ke level 2... Level test hr 2, dorg wt kt Puchong... Kami pegi 4 org... Alhamdulillah 3 dh berjaya naik level n only me sorg jer insider... So now, rate dh naik laa... Alhamdulillah... Perhaps, rate br effective 1st May 2012... Hope so... ^_^
Kt opis plak, me n boss ade sesi temuramah... So, now I got an increment which will be effective on April pny pay cheq... Weehooo!!!!
Dpt 10%.. ok laaa... Alhamdulillah sgt... Btw, my responsibilities pn akan bertambah... I'll b doing d full set account laa pasni... Stress!!!
Tp, this is jz d thing that I need... An improvement!!!
I needed n wanted to learn new things... It's jz that, only by thinking bout it made me stress, but seriously, I don't think its gonna b that hard.. But also, not that easy laaa...
New things is hard to learn but Old things is hard to forget!!!
Hopefully May 2012 will b my start up for a new life... InsyaAllah
Hope that all my hardship will b ease... InsyaAllah
Hope that all my hard work will b paid off... InsyaAllah
How ALLAH loves me, despite of all d laziness n carelessness in me, still, HE granted my prayer... I will try to change... InsyaAllah!!!
Anyway, what else to b consider as a great news on May??
Of course, our "beloved" Abg Halim will b transfered to another store... Wahlaweh!!!! Such a relieve... That's surely a great news... What a great May!! Can't wait!!!!
Anyway, back to my ank2 bulus's stories ler...
Few days back, Burn wt perangai plak... Ade ke dia pegi koyakkan tikar getah alas kt bidai, pas2 dia naik kt atas bidai... Pg2, ms bwk masuk budak2, dia xd...
Nk putus nyawa dh...
Nsb dia menyahut... Elok2 aku dh bgn awl, igt nk g kje awl, last2 lmbt jgk...
Sejam gk bertarung nk soh dia trn... Burn.. Burn..
Alhamdulillah dia xd pape... Penakut sbnrnya Burn ni... Tp eksen je lebih.. Adeh!!
So, dh bpe hr sume ank2 tdo dlm umh jer... Abes berserak umh...
Pg td plak, bgn2 jer nmpk bnda puteh berserak serata umh... Igtkan ape je laa... Rupa2nya tepung susu c budak Cindy dlu yg dorg kerjakan... Lmbt lg mummy g kje, kne kemas 1 umh... Nk kne mop plak blk nti... Adeh!!!
Btw, smlm nmpk ade 1 drawer kayu yg besar kt umh tong sampah... Mlm td, cecepat g rembat sblm g kje... Hihihi... Igt nti nk drill kt dinding bilik dorg, bg tmpt dorg tdo... Br laa x terasa kosong tp sempit sgt...
Ms br bwk blk 2, mcm sawan jer dorg tgk drawer 2... Masing2 dok cium2 n ggt2 bnda 2... Jakun sungguh ank mummy... Xper, nti mummy basuh semula selimut engkorg sume yer.. Pas2 bleh kte elas, jd tempat tdo korg ekkk!!!!
Btw, mummy tgh tgu duit lbh sket, InsyaAllah, nk beli set Mini Cat Wall dorg... Designed by Pn Mai a.k.a Cik Kenji.
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Ade box, ade platform, ade scratching post... |
Ank2 dh membesar dgn cpt... Cinda dh bulat n bsr.. Bwk blk kg hr 2, mak terkejut tgk ank ksygn ku dh membesar cpt... Ye laa... dh 4 bln lbh kot...
Lucky plak dh start nk gatal2... Tutt dia dh start nk berfungsi... Pgsn... Whatever happens, this end month nk kne zasss budak Lucky tu sblm dia ngap ank dara aku c budak Cindy...
Burn plak, heat cycle dia dh stop kot... Dh senyap sket.. Xd laa menjerit sepanjang ms... Huhuhu....
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How big they are now... All same sizes?? Aiyakkk |
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Machonya budak Burn mummy ni... Emmuahhh!! |
I have nothing else to say... I love my ank2 bulussss.... Semoga akn dtg akn menjanjikan bahagia dan keceriaan dlm hidup kami... Ameen!!!!
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