please let me sleep forever
Thursday, 11 November 2021
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
Salam PKP 3.0 day 2
Salam PKP 3.0 guys.. this is soo sickening.. it's terrible.. the virus is spreading like crazy.. seems like it has mutated into something worst.
Please be safe.. my family members were some of the positive covid 19 patients.. 1 is still in hospital.. 5 Alhamdulillah dh getting better.. 3 that were -ve Alhamdulillah masih sihat n hopefully keep on sihat..
Lets just stay at home during this lockdown.. hopefully we could see the numbers dropping.. it's 7000 over case today.. hopefully within a week the number could drop drastically..
Please take care of yourselves n others.. don't be selfish please.. it's not a conspiracy.. it is real..
It's so hard for some ppl to survive during this pandemic.. but we are willing to, just so that we could be case free..
Even for me, we couldn't work even wfh during this lockdown.. n company were not able to pay us salary.. but still i'm thankful that at least i'm still having a job to go back to, in shaa allah.. still having food on the table, still having home to stay in, having bed to sleep on.. Alhamdulillah..
Really hoping that this pandemic is going to be over soon.. even it's just a hope.. but do have faith in Allah.. HE knows best, and HE won't test us for something that is beyond our limit..
Keep safe..
Have faith..
Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Rendah diri...depression??
Tetiba mlm ni terasa mcm nk meluahkan rasa hati..
Selama berpuluh tahun aku hidup, perasaan insecure, rendah diri, low self esteem, takut dan mcm2 rasa negatif yg sentiasa ada dlm kepala..
Dari kecik sampai ke tua ni, aku sentiasa cuba untuk atasi perasaan negatif dalam diri tu..
Aku sentiasa cuba untuk cabar diri.. walau sentiasa kecundang, akan end up memalukan diri sendiri, tapi i don't quite care.. i think..
I want to have self confidence.. i wanna feel proud of myself..
But it was never a successfull tries..
Dari sekolah rendah, aku akan join apa saje aktiviti sekolah.. aku akan selalu join acara sukan sekolah cth mcm lari pecut, lari berganti2, bola baling, maraton, bola tampar, lempar cakera, lontar peluru, lompat tinggi, lompat jauh n lain2, aktiviti lain mcm pertandingan muzik, dikir barat, pertandingan bercerita, bersyarah, pidato, berlakon, pantomen, dj radio sekolah, nasyid, ketua kelas, ketua persatuan, camping n segala neka laa.. sampai cikgu2 semua kenal aku.. haha.. tapi i'm still a biggest loser..
I was never able to do the best.. i'll freaked out.. rasa malu gile.. felt so embarrassed that i tend to sabotage myself.. haha.. i'm so weird..
Tapi every now n then, almost everyday, there will always be times where i feels like doing some harmfull things to myself.. haha..
Coz i wanted to know how it feels if i was to die..or perhaps something really terrible happen, what would that feels like? What would others feel bout me.. n perhaps everyone that i love would felt relieved or satisfied or would they ever feel sad??
Is it a stress? Is this depression? I don't know..
Bila tgh bwk motor or kete, tetiba rasa mcm nak langgar je lori depan tu..
Pastu tetiba rasa mcm sedih plak.. semua bnd nak sentap..
Kadang, i sing to ease the feelings..
Tapi most of the time, istighfar laju2 n byk2 kali.. baru rasa negatif tu hilang..
Penat nak rasa down.. selalu rasa diri unworthy, rasa semua org benci, rasa bodoh sgt2, rasa mcm when i made even a slight mistake, it's a huge thing that will flip everything upside down..
Sometimes i tried to make jokes.. it's just my way to show that i might be ok..
Tapi dalam hati, dlm kepala aku, xtau mcm mane serabutnye laa.. that's y i was never good with words..
Susah nak really cakap apa yg perlu.. i felt alone.. rasa tersisih.. rasa mcm dibenci.. rasa mcm x guna.. haha..
Edited: Apr'21
Tapi, after a while, I took some times alone, tried to remember all the things that my husband said.
I need to try something else to reduce the burden in my heart.
At the moment, I was unable to recover from the heartbroken.
Then, one day, after Maghrib, I open the Holy Quran. I start to recite Al-Fatihah and the first surah.
At that moment, I felt like something struck my heart. my eyes became teary. I felt some relive that I haven't felt for quite sometimes.
Allah!! This might be it. It's been so long..
From that moment onwards, I never felt the empty feelings much. I don't need to sing till midnight anymore.
No more perasaan nak hiris tangan bile nampak pisau, nak terbalikkan kuali panas ke, nak langgar lori semua Alhamdulillah hilang..
I can smile much.. I'm loving the feelings.
So, I believed, semua yang terjadi, yang orang kate ubat depression is kembali pada Allah, is TRUE.
They never specifically said on HOW to kembali pada Allah.. Jaga Solat, tapi do some additional, bacalah Al-Quran. Paksa diri.. In shaa Allah, kemanisan nya akan dirasai..
Don't trust me. But, TRUST IN ALLAH..
Tuesday, 16 March 2021
But you can't see his blood
It's nothing but some feelings
That this old dog kicked up
Now I'm drowning in the flood
You see, I've always been a fighter
But without you, I give up
Like the way it's meant to be
Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore
But baby, that's just me
And I'll be there forever and a day, always
I'll be there 'til the stars don't shine
'Til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme
And I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you, always
Are just memories of a different life
Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry
One that made you have to say goodbye
What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair
To touch your lips, to hold you near
When you say your prayers, try to understand
I've made mistakes, I'm just a man
When he says the words you've been needing to hear
I wish I was him
With these words of mine
To say to you 'til the end of time
And I'll be there forever and a day, always
If you told me to die for you, I would
Take a look at my face
There's no price I won't pay
To say these words to you
In these loaded dice
But baby if you give me just one more try
We can pack up our old dreams
And our old lives
We'll find a place where the sun still shines
And I'll be there forever and a day, always
I'll be there 'til the stars don't shine
'Til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme
I know when I die, you'll be on my mind
And I'll love you, always
Saturday, 23 January 2021
I was busy
I lied and said I was busy..
I was busy..
But not in a way most people understand..
I was busy taking deeper breath..
I was busy silencing irrational thoughts..
I was busy calming a racing heart..
I was busy telling myself I am okay..
Sometimes, this is my busy..
And I will not apologize for it..
#Credit:b. oakman
Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Tiredness>Helpless>Sadness>Worthless>Loneliness>Dying from inside
I see u..
From afar..
I'm too afraid..
How I wish u would have looked at me..
As I look at u now..
Oh how I wish u could have felt the beats in my heart..
So violent..
As I see u..
Each and everytime..
When I don't see u..
I imagined that u were right here..
So I smiled..
Missing u from an unknown land..
Saturday, 16 January 2021
I & U
I have always crave more of U..
I felt so empty without U..
I will be lost in time when U are not around..
In the alphabetical order, I and U are far apart..
That I wish to move U right beside..
For every hardship for I to get to U..
It's worthwhile for each steps I went through..
As when I get to U, the warmth that U beholds, I was drown into U even more..
I am so lost without U..
U are my guiding star.. U shine the brightest when I need it the most..
So that I could find the route home, back to U..
For the I and U are a total different..
But I will always ❤️ U..
#Thanks to U
#JJ & JJ
Friday, 15 January 2021
Beberapa bulan lepas, seorang kawan saya nak beli handphone baru. Setelah 7 tahun guna handphone lama, memang kena beli yang baru juga untuk memudahkan urusan harian.
Speaker rosak, bateri tahan hanya 30 minit. Kamera blur habis.
Cuma dia minta bayar dua kali. Saya ok saja sebab dia ni memang pemurah. Masa guna kereta waja dulu, kalau rosak je dia lah orang pertama akan bank in atau transfer walaupun saya tahu dia bukan ada duit sangat.
Tiba-tiba satu hari dia whatsapp.
"Abu, aku bayar duit baki handphone nanti boleh?"
"Oh takpe. Take time bro. Ada masalah ke?"
"Takde. Cuma tu lah. Gaji lewat sikit"
Saya pun ok saja. Moga dimudahkan urusannya. Cuma hati macam tak sedap. Ingat nak ziarah dia. Selang beberap hari, saya pun pergilah ke kedai dia sebab kebetulan ada servis laptop berhampiran kedai dia kerja.
"Azri takde. Berhenti"
"Bila bos?"
"Saya tak tahu"
Bos dia pun macam layan tak layan. Saya telefon azri terus. Lima minit bercakap, saya terus letak dan pecut ke kawasan rumahnya. Saya nak dengar sendiri dari mulutnya.
Rupanya, dia dah berhenti kerja. Tapi dia tak bagitahu saya. Hari yang dia tak dapat nak bayar duit handphone yang dibeli, rupanya hari tu dia berhenti.
"Macam ni bu. Hari tu aku nekad berhenti sebab aku nak berniaga. Aku nak cuba kerja lain pula. Sebab kalau berniaga ni, aku ada masa dengan famili. Nak niaga depan rumah je"
Saya angguk dengar.
"Aku dah bagitahu bos sebulan awal lagi. Hari nak berhenti, bos bagi gaji. Aku pun pegang sampul macam nipis je. Biasa tebal. Sekali aku buka RM127 je ada. Gaji aku RM1200. Aku terus patah balik tanya dia. Dia kata, dia lupa nak tolak kwsp aku. Jadi, kali ni gaji dia tolak bulan-bulan yang dia tak carum"
Allahu. Terdiam saya.
"Pastu, kau minta tak? Kau tak cakap dengan bos balik?"
"Aku tak tahu nak cakap apa. Aku tahan je. Aku minta ihsan dia. Kesianlah dekat aku. Sewa rumah lagi. Bil. Anak bini. Aku memang down sangat masa tu"
Azri terus pulang. Masa dia menunggang motor, tiba-tiba ada kereta hon dan minta dia berhenti sebab pemandu tu kata dia bawa motor macam orang blur. Lampu merah pun langgar je.
"Aku memang blur bu. Aku tak tahu nak cakap apa. Dengan kos hidup yang tinggi ni, aku ada hanya RM127"
Berbulan berlalu, dia tak tahu nak buat apa.
Setiap kali lepas subuh, dia akan ke surau. Lepas solat, menangis sampai tertidur. Tiada apa yang tinggal.
Satu hari, tuan rumah datang ketuk pintu. Dia terus ajak anak isteri menyorok dalam bilik. Tutup semua laptop. Dah dekat dua bulan tak bayar sewa. Dia rasa tuan rumah macam nak halau dia.
Tiba-tiba tuan rumah bersuara dari luar,
"Azri, saya bukan nak minta sewa. Bukan nak halau awak. Saya nak bagitahu, kalau awak susah takpe. Sewa bulan lepas dan bulan ni saya halalkan"
Azri bagitahu,
"Masa tu aku malu sangat. Aku keluar dan minta maaf berdiam diri pada tuan rumah"
Tuan rumah kata takpe. Ada duit nanti bayarlah. Sementara nak cari kerja ni.
Kemudian esoknya, Azri cerita dia ke surau lagi selepas subuh. Habis solat, tiba-tiba ada seorang pakcik ni datang mendekati dia.
"Waalaikumsalam" jawab Azri.
"Kamu ni, pakcik tengok dah sebulan lebih tak tinggal subuh di surau ya. Hari-hari ada"
Azri tersenyum saja.
"Macamni. Pakcik ni ada kebun. Hasil jualan kebun tu pakcik memang tak ambil duitnya. Biasanya pakcik kumpul dan bagi pada sesiapa yang pakcik rasa nak bagi. Jadi, pakcik rasa nak bagi kamu lah. Boleh?"
Kawan saya Azri ni cerita sambil menahan sebak. Bertakung airmatanya.
"Kau tahu bu. Aku ikut dia balik subuh tu, dan di tangan aku, pakcik tu bagi RM2600. Dua bulan gaji aku yang bos aku tolak dan tak bayar sebulan lagi. Aku menangis sungguh. Aku terduduk kat situ juga"
Pakcik tu pesan kat aku,
Gunalah duit ni untuk mulakan hidup baru. Selesaikan semua hutang-hutang. Jangan putus asa. Allah itu Maha besar dan Maha Kaya.
Begitulah kasih sayang Allah pada kita.
Biasanya, memang Tuhan akan buatkan kita menangis sungguh padaNya.
Maka, sebelum kita nak marah-marag dengan ujian, nak menyalahkan keadaan, buntu dimana nak mulakan,nak selesaikan masalah dan lain-lain,
Kembalikan dahulu semuanya kepada Allah.
Mohon sedar diri yang kita ni tiada langsung modal untuk berdepan dengan dunia dan akhirat melainkan berharap belas kasihan Allah kepada hamba yang diciptakan penuh kegagalan!
Kita semua sedar kalau gagal tandanya tak cukup menangis lagi!
Nak berusaha sehabis mungkin guna kederat atau tulang empat kerat itu, sesungguhnya jauh lebih mudah daripada nak memberi airmata untuk Allah, menangisi dosa dan salah kita yang banyaknya.
Dia, iaitu Allah terlalu cinta kepada rayuan hamba yang memohon itu ini dariNya.
Tuhan tunggu itu. Menunggu hambaNya datang merayu. Bersujud dan berlutut, hingga tersembam kerana mahukan Allah dahulu.
Lalu, perlahan-lahan Allah ambil hati kita, dan Allah kembali berikan dunia semula.
Untuk kalian yang diuji begini, panduannya ada di atas.
Percayalah, keajaiban itu ada pada mereka yang percaya.
Percaya yang pertama. Beriman kepada Allah.
Thursday, 14 January 2021
PKP 2.0 Day #2
Hari ni masuk hari ke 2 PKP utk 6 negeri dalam Malaysia.. So far masih terkawal.. Jumlah berapa kes baru and all, aku dh lost dah.. Penat laa nak tengok hari2 remain 2k je kes..Huhuhu.. Semoga dengan pelaksanaan PKP 2.0 ni akan berkurang kes2 ni.. Inshaa Allah..
Dah 3 hari tak lalu makan.. Hati masih sedih.. Heartbroken!!! Terasa kehilangan.. Sunyi sepi je hari2.. Walau ade yg cuba nak menceriakan, tapi kesedihan di hati tak mampu nk dipadamkan.. :(
Mohon doakan aku cepat sembuh dari penyakit hati ni..
Susah betul bila dah tua ni.. Cepat sangat rasa pelik2.. Lol..
I keep trying to remember the main..
The voice that shivers my vein..
Now i could hear it once again..
They are not the same.. But the trembles making me faint..
If the addiction is a sin..
I apologize as to keep being the sinners, but i cant help to being addicted over and over again..
If the addiction is a sin..
Help me Lord to stop longing for it again..
Merajuk tak dipujuk..
Hati terkesan..
Ditinggalkan tanpa bingkisan pesanan..
Mencari kekuatan..
Menghilangkan kesedihan..
Untuk aku berdepan dengan keadaan..
Kesedihan yang tak berkesudahan..
Tuesday, 12 January 2021
Salam Tahun Baru 2021...It has been Sooo Looonnnnggggg...
Oh emm gee!! It's been so freakin long since last i post anything..
It has been rocky life i'm living for the past few years..
As the Covid-19 pandemic that has been happening since a year ago, also for the flooding, here n there, but life still go on.. Hope for the better, Pray for the worst to end.. Ameen!!!
PKP starting our people, save our country, save our muslims our there Ya Allah..
For all that's going to be WFH, Alhamdulillah ya'll still have work.. There are so many others being laid off due to economy worsen day by day.. Hopefully there'll still hopes for all of us.. #Prayhard
Hope everybody is healthy n safe.. #kitajagakita
Well, what makes me come back to this blog kinda thing?
What a funny story though.. But lets just say, a very looonggg lost special fren of mine suddenly appear after 20+ years.. N i've been asked to start my writing again.. Ok laa.. I'll try..
This is specially dedicated to u.. hahaha.. #konon..
Lame sgt xmenulis.. Banyak sangat nak ditulis.. Tapi end up xtau ape nak ditulis.. I'd rather talk directly though.. Haha..
Anyway, Kucing4 kesayangan mummy, sadly they've crossed the rainbows.. Nothing can make me feels less guilty for not being able to take them back with me..😢
I tried to feed the strays, pet them once a while, to lessen the burden, to reduce the feels of lost.. (i 😠everytime i see their pics or when the memory of them crossed my mind)
Done.. Tak nak dah story pasal dorg..Nanti nanges lagi..huhu..
Anyhow, sekarang iols dah memulakan hobi baru..
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Anggur ID: Isabella |
Kerinduan dan Terkilan..
Suatu perasaan yang terlalu mendalam..
Tiada fizikalnya..
Hanya dapat dirasa..
Hadir tanpa dipinta..
Hadir tanpa dipaksa..
Hadir tanpa mengenal siapa..
Rindu pada yang tiada..
Rindu yang tiada penghujungnya..
Menjadikan hati merasa terkilan.. dan terbeban..
Terlalu rindu..
There's literally no words could ever describe how it feels..
"I feel you" is never suited to what's true.
Its too deep to compare..
Its too complicated to say..
It's there and will never go away..
It's too close, but yet too far from display..
Saturday, 9 January 2021
I wanted to tell a story about a young girl named Jan.. She once was a naive young girl, with hopes of 'how i wish to' always in her mind..
Her best friend was a hanging mirror in the closet.. where she seek for advice and tell her secret..
She's been hurt, she's been loved, she's been hated.. But she keep that at the back of her mind, lock it down let it drown, but never forget..
Her first love was once a genius.. She keep him close to her heart but he was never near.. She has hopes, she has dreams, but it was never really serious.. As it was all kept tightly only in her head, right at the back of her ear..
'How i wish to' keep him to herself.. But perhaps she was not the best choice for himself..
'How i wish to' have done it differently.. But then, she'll never get to have this feelings internally.. Whereby it helps her to get through life daily..
She's been loyal.. Having him in her heart like a royal.. Till one day it brokes her moral.. To have heard that it was terminal..
She cries out to her best friend, the mirror.. Where she got herself an answer..
Goodbye to the royal, you will be missed.. But it's now her turn to get her bliss..
She holds her head up, chin high.. She crossed her fingers.. Ready for the new adventures..
Hope for the best, pray for the worst..
As days passed by, never once Jan forgotten the promise that was broken but her heart has lessen to live in rememberance..
Wednesday, 6 January 2021
Jvne Shoppe is already Officials since 2016
Salam sejahtera untuk semua.
Setelah sekian lama saya tidak bersiaran.. Alhamdulillah hari ni teringat kembali.. Lol
Jvne Shoppe adalah nama rasmi kedai saya yang berdaftar dengan SSM..
Kepada sesiapa yg berminat untuk membeli tudung-tudung terbaru, cantik dan murah, pembelian retail dengan harga borong, kualiti In Shaa Allah yang baik, boleh like dan follow page saya di facebook
**** Khas untuk yg link ke page saya melalui blog ini, sila mention nama blog sy jika anda ingin membeli.. Akan ade free gift menanti anda untuk pembelian pertama tudung dari saya..