Wednesday 2 June 2021

Salam PKP 3.0 day 2


Salam PKP 3.0 guys.. this is soo sickening.. it's terrible.. the virus is spreading like crazy..  seems like it has mutated into something worst.

Please be safe.. my family members were some of the positive covid 19 patients.. 1 is still in hospital.. 5 Alhamdulillah dh getting better.. 3 that were -ve Alhamdulillah masih sihat n hopefully keep on sihat..

Lets just stay at home during this lockdown.. hopefully we could see the numbers dropping.. it's 7000 over case today.. hopefully within a week the number could drop drastically..

Please take care of yourselves n others.. don't be selfish please.. it's not a conspiracy.. it is real.. 

It's so hard for some ppl to survive during this pandemic.. but we are willing to, just so that we could be case free.. 

Even for me, we couldn't work even wfh during this lockdown.. n company were not able to pay us salary.. but still i'm thankful that at least i'm still having a job to go back to, in shaa allah.. still having food on the table, still having home to stay in, having bed to sleep on.. Alhamdulillah..

Really hoping that this pandemic is going to be over soon.. even it's just a hope.. but do have faith in Allah.. HE knows best, and HE won't test us for something that is beyond our limit.. 

Keep safe..

Have faith..


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